Pre-Selling The Empire Strikes Back 3D - Upper Deck and WoW TCG Part Ways

We've added Topps' upcoming
The Empire Strikes Back 3D trading card set to our web site. The new set is scheduled to arrive by May 28th and is designed in the Widevision format.
Each box includes a 1 of 1 original hand-drawn sketch card from one of today's top Star Wars artists. Look for Topps Certified autographs from The Empire Strikes Back cast as well. The base set includes 48 cards featuring never-before-seen photos.
Boxes are available for $61 each. Cases (8 boxes) are $472.

We just received word today that Upper Deck will no longer be producing the World of Warcraft TCG. So we are no longer accepting pre-orders for the Class Decks or Wrathgate boosters. We do not have any further details at this time.
We will continue to carry previously released
World of Warcraft products for the foreseeable future.
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