Potomac Distribution News & Information Blog
Naruto Fateful Reunion In Stock - L5R Celestial Edition Price Increase Coming Soon - UFC Round 2 Update
Customers looking for the latest Naruto release,
Fateful Reunion, will be happy to know that we just received a shipment of blister boxes. Blister boxes include 15 booster packs mounted on cardboard for retail display purposes. Boxes are $49 each. Fateful Reunion has been so tough to find since its release just two weeks ago that we don't expect these boxes to last long.
The new Legend of the Five Rings base set,
Celestial Edition, is scheduled to arrive on June 22nd. If you are planning to place a pre-order, please do so by Tuesday, June 2nd. We will be raising our booster box and booster case prices that day. Booster boxes are just $77 each currently, while 10-box cases are $759. Starter boxes can be pre-ordered for $68 each.
We've had a number of customers asking us about the upcoming
UFC Round 2 trading card set that Topps plans to release in July. Due to the overwhelming success of the first series, there is a huge demand for this product. Our suppliers can't guarantee how much product we'll be able to get, but we do hope to have boxes available when the product releases. Email us at sales@potomacdist.com or click
here and enter your email address to be notified when we have Round 2 boxes available to order.
Although it was a short week due to the Memorial Day holiday, it was a busy one here at Potomac Distribution. This week marked the arrival of two hot products -
Vampire: TES Ebony Kingdom boosters and
Yu-Gi-Oh Gold Series 2 boosters. We've got a limited amount of both products still in stock and ready to ship to you on Monday.
Have a great weekend!
GoT City of Secrets and CoC Thing from the Shore Arriving Tomorrow - New GoT & CoC Packs On Sale!
The newest
A Game of Thrones chapter pack and
Call of Cthulhu asylum pack are expected to arrive tomorrow!
City of Secrets is the first chapter pack for the A Game of Thrones King's Landing expansion. We still have individual packs available for $9 and 6-packs for just $44.
The Thing from the Shore is the fifth asylum pack for the Call of Cthulhu Summons of the Deep expansion. Individual packs are $9 and 6-packs are $44 each.
We've also just begun to take pre-orders for the
A Game of Thrones: Tales from the Red Keep chapter pack. The fourth installment for the King's Landing expansion is scheduled to arrive in August.
The Call of Cthuhlu: Twilight Horror asylum pack is also due out in August. It is the first asylum pack for the Call of Cthulhu Dreamlands expansion, which chronicles the adventures of card shark Gregory Gry and the mysterious artist Twila-Katherine Price.
You can pre-order Tales from the Red Keep and Twilight Horror packs for $9 each or by the 6-pack for $44.
Pre-Selling Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince - 2009 Star Trek Original Series On Sale
Lots of big news from the non-sports world to report today...

Artbox Entertainment has announced plans to release the
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince trading card set during the first week of July. Collectors can look for foil chase cards as well as autograph, prop, and costume cards. Autograph signers include Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Felton, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Evanna Lynch, Michael Gambon, and more! There are 14 different costume cards and 12 different prop cards to collect.
Case incentives for customers placing pre-orders are as follows.
Order 2 cases - Receive a free Gryffindor Students Costume card
Order 5 cases - Receive a free Boxing Telescope Boxes Prop card
Order 10 cases - Receive a free Quidditch Quaffle Ball Prop card
Order 25 cases - Receive a free Chicken Foot Goblets Prop card

We are pre-selling boxes for $55 each. Cases (10 boxes) are just $539. Tin cases (12 tins) are $113. Binder cases (6 binders) are $105.
The release date for this set is right around the corner, so don't wait too long to place your order with us!

We also found out today that Rittenhouse Archives plans to release its
2009 Star Trek: The Original Series trading card set on August 12th. Every box will include 3 autograph cards! Signers include William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, George Takei, Sabrina Scharf, and many others. The base set will include 110 throwback 1960s-style cards that feature images from the third season of Star Trek.
Bonus sets include a Tribute set, a Portraits set, and a TOS In Motion lenticular set. Each case will include one of two different sequentially numbered 5"x7" Majel Barrett (Number One/Nurse Chapel) In Memoriam cards.
Customers pre-ordering 3 cases receive a free Autograph/Costume card signed by Walter Koenig (Chekov). Customers pre-ordering 6 cases receive a free Dual Autograph card signed by William Shatner (Kirk) and Nichelle Nichols (Uhura). Customers pre-ordering 15 cases receive a free 2009 Star Trek: Original Series Archive box!
2009 Star Trek Original Series boxes are available for $62. Cases (12 boxes) are just $709. Binder cases (4 binders) are $82 each.
Vampire Ebony Kingdom Pre-Orders Shipped - Pre-Selling Epic Time Wars

The new
Vampire Ebony Kingdom expansion arrived today. All pre-orders have been shipped! We have additional boxes available for $64 each. Cases (10 boxes) are just $629.

We are now taking pre-orders for the first Epic Trading Card Game expansion. The expansion, titled
Time Wars, is expected to arrive by August 17th. Booster boxes are $54 each. Cases (12 boxes) are $636. The base set, which was released in March, has been one of the biggest surprises for us in 2009. So we expect a lot of interest in Time Wars.
Vampire Ebony Kingdom Coming Next Week - Closed On Monday, May 25th

The new Vampire: The Eternal Struggle expansion,
Ebony Kingdom, is arriving next week! It's not too late to get your pre-order in and have it shipped on the release date, May 27th. Booster boxes are $64. Cases (10 boxes) are just $629.

We will be closed on Monday, May 25th, in observance of Memorial Day. All orders placed over the weekend will be processed on Tuesday, May 26th.
Pre-Selling WoW Fields of Honor & Death Knight Deluxe Starters - Fields of Honor Loot Cards Detailed!
Upper Deck has posted some new information on the loot cards for its upcoming
World of Warcraft Fields of Honor expansion.

Path of Cenarius is the ultra-common loot card that allows your character to leave a path of flowers and greenery in your wake.

The uncommon loot card is the Piñata. It allows your character to set up an Ogre Piñata on a portable tree. Your character can then use a weapon or magic to attack it until it explodes and releases candy gumballs. Eating the gumballs buffs your character so that it chews gum and blows an occasional bubble.

And finally, previous sets have included cards that allowed your character to ride a tiger, a turtle, or a rocket. Fields of Honor tops all of those with the rare El Pollo Grande loot card. Your character will be the envy of all while riding this large magic rooster!
We are accepting pre-orders for
Fields of Honor boosters now. Booster boxes are just $61 each! Cases (12 boxes) are only $719. Fields of Honor is expected to arrive on June 30th.
Also available for pre-order are
Death Knight Deluxe Starter boxes. Each box includes 6 packs. Each pack includes a 36-card Death Knight preconstructed deck (which includes 3 Ghoul token cards), a 17-card Death Knight pack (which includes 1 new hero and 16 exclusive cards to enhance the Death Knight Class), and a 33-card Dark Portal preconstructed deck. Death Knight Deluxe Starter boxes are just $86! They are expected to arrive by June 17th.
Heroes of Azeroth Boosters Just $44! - WoW Arena Grand Melee In Stock

We just picked up a good deal on World of Warcraft
Heroes of Azeroth boosters. As a result, we were able to lower our price to $44/box today.
Speaking of World of Warcraft...The new
Arena Grand Melee set arrived today. Each box includes 10 sets (5 Horde & 5 Alliance). There are 80 cards in each set (19 tournament game cards, 60 Grand Melee cards, and 1 mini-pet card). The set features two new exclusive heroes and ability cards for all 9 classes, and new Preparation abilities that can be played for free. Horde and Alliance sets feature different hero cards and unique Grand Melee cards, as well as a unique mini pet card.
Battlestar Galactica 4 Price Increase Coming Soon - Yu-Gi-Oh Raging Battle Sells Out

One of our hottest selling non-sports products right now is Rittenhouse Archive's upcoming
Battlestar Galactica Season 4 set.
Every box includes 2 autograph cards and 2 relic cards! Customers looking to place a pre-order should do so by Tuesday, May 19th, when we will raise our box price to $63 and our case price to $719. Right now, you can pre-order boxes for $62 and cases for just $709.
Set highlights include:More than 20 different actors signing autographs, including Edward James Olmos and Katee Sackoff
6 different autographed costume cards
Single and dual costume cards from major characters
Relic cards that include props from four different episodes
Case topper card signed by David Eick, the show's executive producer
Customers pre-ordering 2 cases receive a dual autograph card signed by Michael Hogan and Kate Vernon as Saul and Ellen Tigh.
Customers pre-ordering 4 cases receive an autograph/costume card signed by James Callis as Gaius Baltar
Customers pre-ordering 12 cases receive an archive box!
This set will surely be a sellout based on the response we are seeing, so don't wait to order.
Speaking of sell outs....
Several of our suppliers have corroborated reports that Konami has already sold out of Yu-Gi-Oh: Raging Battle boosters. We still have boxes available for $61 and 12-box cases for $719. If boosters start to get hard to find, it could mean that the upcoming Raging Battle Special Edition boxes become increasingly popular.
Raging Battle Arrives - Vampire TES Anarchs Boosters Back In Stock - Game of Thrones Release Schedule

The new
Yu-Gi-Oh Raging Battle expansion arrived today. All pre-orders have been shipped! We've been fielding orders for the new set at a frenetic pace over the past few days, and we just have a few booster boxes left in stock at the moment. We expect another Raging Battle shipment to arrive on Thursday or Friday. If you are interested in purchasing a sealed case ($699 each), email us at sales@potomacdist.com and we will reserve one for you that will ship by the end of the week.

It's been an exciting week for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle finds here. We just received a small shipment of another rare Vampire item -
Anarchs Booster boxes! We have a limited number of boxes available for $137 each. It's been over a year since we've had any of these in stock.

Fantasy Flight has plans to release a number of new products over the next few months for its
A Game of Thrones Living Card Game.
City of Secrets is due out this month and is the first chapter pack in the King's Landing expansion. City of Secrets, like all chapter packs, includes 40 cards, 20 of which are unique. Individual chapter packs are $9, while 6-packs are just $44.
City of Secrets will be followed by the
A Time of Trials chapter pack in June and
The Tower of the Hand chapter pack in July. August will bring the release of the Tales from the Red Keep pack, followed by Secrets & Spies in September, and the final King's Landing pack - Blackwater Bay - in October.

Fantasy Flight also plans to release the
Kings of the Sea expansion in July. It will include 60 cards, a sculpted 3-D resin House card, and a multiplayer variant called "The Kingsmoot," in which players attempt to control 6 Iron Islands titles simultaneously. The set is intended to bring House Greyjoy back into the LCG game. It includes a Greyjoy deck with reprints and new cards. The Kings of the Sea expansion is available for just $25.
Bella Sara Royalty Arriving In May - Kiss Cards Back In Stock - Pre-Selling Yugi Duelist Packs

Hidden City Games has decided to bump up the release of the upcoming
Bella Sara Royalty set. Originally slated to arrive the first week of June, we now expect to ship Royalty orders by May 26th. Booster boxes are just $59 each. Value boxes are $8 each.

We received a restock of
Kiss Ikons trading cards this week. The new set has been very popular so far, and we just found out that the manufacturer is now sold out! In addition to the 90 base set cards, Kiss fans and collectors can look for Fire and Blood themed parallel cards, instant win autographed 8x10s from Gene and Paul, authentic Gene Simmons-worn memorabilia cards, tattoos, and stickers. Boxes are just $37 each!

Kiss fans may also be interested to know that we now have
Kiss Series 2 trading cards in stock. The 90-card set was produced by Cornerstone Communications in 1998. Boxes are $48 each.

We are now accepting pre-orders for Konami's upcoming
Yu-Gi-Oh Yugi Duelist Pack booster boxes. The new 30-card set features cards used in duels by Yugi Muto on the original Yu-Gi-Oh animated series. It includes popular cards like Mirror Force and Marshmallon, and also includes new art for cards like Summoned Skull and Dark Magician Girl. We are pre-selling boxes for $38 each. Cases (10 boxes) are just $369.
Vampire Ebony Kingdom Price Increase Coming Soon - Sabbat War Decks In Stock - Yu-Gi-Oh Retro Packs For Just $79!

The release date for the next
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle expansion is nearing! White Wolf plans to release the new
Ebony Kingdom set on May 27th. We are currently selling booster boxes for $63 and 10-box booster cases for just $619.
On Monday, May 11th, we will raise our Ebony Kingdom booster price to $64 and our case price to $629. Please place your pre-order by Monday to take advantage of our lowest prices!

Vampire fans also might be interested to know that we just received a small number of
Sabbat War Starter Decks - Brujah, Lasombra, Tzimisce, and Ventrue. These have been very tough for us to find for quite a while.

We just received a shipment of
Yu-Gi-Oh Retro Pack boxes. Not long ago, these were selling for well over $100 per box, but we have them available now for just $79 each!
Each Retro Pack box contains 8 Retro packs. Each Retro pack contains 3 booster packs and 1 variant card. Look for Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Monster Reborn, Raigeki, Exodia the Forbidden One, Solemn Judgment and more!
Pre-Selling L5R Celestial Edition & Path of the Destroyer - KMC Restock Has Arrived!

Alderac Entertainment released some of the details of its upcoming
Legend of the Five Rings Celestial Edition set this week. The new L5R base set is expected to arrive on June 22nd. We are pre-selling booster boxes for $77. Booster cases (10 boxes) are $759. Starter boxes, containing 9 decks, are just $68.

Alderac also announced its plans to release the first Celestial Edition expansion,
Path of the Destroyer, on August 24th. The 157-card set will introduce a new card type, Celestials, which will provide players with divine aid. Boosters are available for $99, 10-box booster cases are $989, starter boxes are $45, and starter deck sets (3 decks) are $31.
KMC Deck Protector restock arrived yesterday! Customers looking for some of our most popular KMC items like Perfect Size Sleeves, Standard Size Clear Deck Protectors, and Yu-Gi-Oh Size White Deck Protectors will be happy to know that all are in stock and available for immediate shipment.
Pokemon Rising Rivals Price Increase Coming Soon!
The release of the next Pokemon Platinum expansion,
Rising Rivals, is just a few weeks away! We expect to ship Rising Rivals pre-orders by May 21st.
Set highlights include:
- Over 40 amazing Pokemon SP, including 6 Pokemon SP LV.X
- A subset of 5 different shapes of the Pokemon Rotom
- Two new starter decks - Drill Point and Cutting Edge
- Awesome Pokemon that belong to the Gym Leaders and Elite Four
- A holographic parallel set
- Over 110 cards in the set
Our current prices are:
Booster boxes.....(36 packs/10 cards per pack)....$87
Booster cases.....(6 boxes).....$516
Starter boxes.....(8 decks/60 cards per deck).....$64
On Wednesday, May 6th, we plan to raise our Rising Rivals booster box price to $88 and booster case price to $522. If you plan to pre-order, we encourage you to do so before the price increase!