Potomac Distribution News & Information Blog
Yu-Gi-Oh Shining Darkness Update

Thanks to all of the customers that have placed orders for
Yu-Gi-Oh Shining Darkness!
Due to the overwhelming number of orders we received over the past few days, we've sold out of the Shining Darkness we are expecting to have available upon the product's release.
We are working now to secure additional cases and hope to have more Shining Darkness available to sell soon!
If you haven't pre-ordered yet but would like to, please email us at sales@potomacdist.com and we will contact you as soon as we have more Shining Darkness available.
Lost Archives On Sale - James Bond Heroes & Villains SOLD OUT - Quotable Star Trek Movies Update
Rittenhouse Archives gave us a lot of new information this week concerning its upcoming products.
The biggest news is that Rittenhouse has announced plans to release a
Lost Archives trading card set on July 21st! Every Lost Archives box will include 4 autograph cards.
costume relic cards will also be randomly inserted in packs. Collectors can look for cards with materials worn by Matthew Fox (Jack), Josh Holloway (Sawyer), Terry O'Quinn (Locke), Michael Emerson (Ben), Evangeline Lilly (Kate), and Jorge Garcia (Hurley).
In addition to the 72-card base set, there will some exciting bonus cards, including a special set recapping the sixth and final season of Lost. The case topper card will be a Naveen Andrews (Sayid) costume relic card.
Case incentives include a sequentially-numbered Banyan Tree relic card for customers pre-ordering 3 cases, a Cheech Marin (Hurley's Father) autograph card for customers pre-ordering 6 cases, and a Lost Archives archive box for customers pre-ordering 12 cases!
Boxes are on sale for $61 each. Cases (12 boxes as usual) are $709. Binder cases (4 binders) are $82.
We are encouraging our customers to place their orders as soon as possible because Rittenhouse has been selling out of just about every product by the time it is released.

Speaking of sellouts, Rittenhouse informed us this week that
James Bond: Heroes & Villains is sold out already! We are sold out of everything we've ordered as well.
For those who were lucky enough to pre-order this product, please note that Rittenhouse also bumped the release date from May 26th to June 2nd. The 3-case incentive was also switched from the Aston Martin bumper panel relic card to an Italian Carabinieri (Police) windshield relic card.
If you are still interested in pre-ordering James Bond: Heroes & Villains, email us at sales@potomacdist.com. If we can find additional boxes from our secondary sources we will let you know.

Rittenhouse also pushed back the release of its upcoming
The Quotable Star Trek Movie card set. It was previously scheduled to arrive on June 23rd. It is now expected to release on June 30th.
Every Quotable Star Trek Movies box includes 3 autograph cards from a lineup of more than 30 signers! Already announced are Kim Cattrall, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, Gates McFadden, Jonathan Frakes, John Larroquette, Michael Dorn, Alan Ruck, and Kurtwood Smith. Every case will include a Brent Spiner (Data) Invisibility Suit costume relic card (from Star Trek: Insurrection).
Customers pre-ordering 3 cases receive a free Michael Dorn (Worf) autograph card. Customers pre-ordering 6 cases receive a free Brent Spiner autograph card. Customers pre-ordering 15 cases receive a free Quotable Star Trek Movies archive box!
Boxes are avaiable for $61. Cases (12 boxes) are $709. Binder cases (4 binders) are $82.
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Yu-Gi-Oh Shining Darkness Price Increase Coming Soon!

Konami's next Yu-Gi-Oh release,
Shining Darkness is just two weeks away! The last set, Absolute Powerforce has been a huge hit and is getting harder and harder to find. We are encouraging customers to pre-order Shining Darkness so that they don't miss out on what is certainly going to be another hot selling set.
Tomorrow is the last day to get Shining Darkness at our lowest prices. Booster boxes are available for $59 and cases (12 boxes) are just $679.
After tomorrow we will raise our prices to $61 for booster boxes and $709 for booster cases.
Order Pokemon Unleashed and Naruto Will of Fire Now and Save!
If you are thinking about placing a pre-order for the upcoming Pokemon HS Unleashed or Naruto Will of Fire sets, please do so by next Tuesday, April 27th.
So that we can better estimate the number of cases we will need to have on hand for the release of these two sets, we are encouraging our customers to place their orders now. We are planning to raise our prices on both products after the 27th. This means there are just 4 days left to buy Unleashed and Will of Fire at our lowest prices!
Pokemon HS Unleashed is scheduled to ship on May 12th!
The new set includes Pokemon Prime, powerful Pokemon like Jirachi and Shaymin, and Pokemon Legends. There are more than 90 cards in the set, including 3 new Pokemon Legend cards (each with 2 Pokemon), 6 new Pokemon Prime cards, and a holographic parallel set.
We are currently selling booster boxes for $86, booster cases (6 boxes) for $506, and starter boxes for $64.
After Tuesday, April 27th, we will raise our prices to $87 for booster boxes, $512 for booster cases, and $65 for starter boxes.
Naruto Will of Fire is expected to ship by May 25th!
Will of Fire introduces over 150 new Naruto cards. This set chronicles the Akatsuki hunt of Tailed Beasts by Hidan and Kakuzu. Naruto also grows strength after learning to use the Wind Style: Rasen Shuriken Jutsu. Childhood versions of Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura round out the rest of this set along with the other main characters from Naruto "Shippuden." Each 1st Edition booster pack includes 10 cards - 1 Holographic Foil, 1 Rainbow-Stamped Rare, 2 Uncommon, and 6 Common cards. Super-Rare Gold-Holographic Foil Inserts are found 1:6 packs on average.
There are 8 decks in each Will of Fire theme deck box. There are two different deck configurations. Super-rare cards are exclusive to the decks and not available in boosters. Each deck includes a new play mat.
We are currently selling booster boxes for $58, booster cases (6 boxes) for $342, and starter boxes for $51. After Tuesday, April 27th, our prices will be $59 for booster boxes, $348 for booster cases, and $52 for starter boxes.
Game of Thrones Core Sets Back In Stock! AGoT Wildling Horde Packs Arrive!

We received a small shipment of
A Game of Thrones Core Sets today!
The wait for Fantasy Flight to reprint the popular set is finally over! It's been nearly 5 months since we last had Core Sets in stock. We are selling Core Sets for $29 each.

The new A Game of Thrones Chapter Pack -
The Wildling Horde - also arrived today. Individual chapter packs are $9. Six-packs are just $44 each.
If you haven't picked up your copies of the first three chapter packs from the Defenders of the North expansion yet, we have those in stock as well - Wolves of the North, Beyond the Wall, and A Sword in the Darkness.
Wacky Packages Series 7 On Sale - AGoT Wildling Horde Arriving Tomorrow

Topps has announced plans to release a
Wacky Packages Series 7 trading card set in August!
The Wacky Packages Series 7 base set includes 75 all-new stickers. Each pack includes a code card that unlocks web-exclusive content on the new Wacky Pack World website.
We are pre-selling Wacky Packages Series 7 boxes for $41 each. Cases (8 boxes) are just $309.

The newest A Game of Thrones chapter pack,
The Wildling Horde, is expected to arrive tomorrow!
The Wildling Horde is the fourth chapter pack in the Defenders of the North expansion. Each chapter pack includes 40 cards (20 unique new cards).
We are selling 6-packs for $44. Individual chapter packs are $9.
Daniel Craig Autograph Card Image Released - WoW Wrathgate Arriving In Late May - Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Toolbox Starters On Sale

Rittenhouse Archives has released an image of Daniel Craig's autograph card from the upcoming
James Bond: Heroes and Villains trading card set!
Every James Bond: Heroes and Villains box includes 3 autograph cards plus randomly inserted prop relic cards!
Below is a full list of the autograph signers that have been announced thus far:•Daniel Craig (James Bond)
•Gemma Arterton (Agent Fields in Quantum of Solace) (Full Bleed Style)
•Olga Kurylenko (Camille in Quantum of Solace) (40th Style)
•Joaquin Cosio (General Medrano in Quantum of Solace) (Full Bleed Style)
•Jill St. John (Tiffany Case in Diamonds Are Forever) (Full Bleed Style)
•Sean Bean (Alec Trevelyan in GoldenEye) (Full Bleed Style)
•Corinne Clery (Corinne Dufour in Moonraker) (Full Bleed Style)
•Jonathan Pryce (Elliott Carver in Tomorrow Never Dies) (Full Bleed Style)
•Izabella Scorupco (Natalya Simonova in GoldenEye) (Women of Bond Style)
•Joanna Lumley (The English Girl in On Her Majesty's Secret Service) (Full Bleed Style)
•Kabir Bedi (Gobinda in Octopussy) (40th Style)
•John Cleese (Q in Die Another Day) (40th Style)
•Geoffrey Holder (Baron Samedi in Live And Let Die) (40th Style)
•Michael Kitchen (Tanner in GoldenEye) (Full Bleed and 40th Style)
•Anatole Taubman (Elvis in Quantum of Solace) (Full Bleed and 40th Style)
•Cecilie Thomsen (Professor Inga Bergstrom in Tomorrow Never Dies) (40th Style)
•Gottfried John (General Ourumov in GoldenEye (Full Bleed Style)
Rittenhouse informed us today that the base set will include 81 cards - not 72 cards as previously announced.
Each case includes a card with a piece of Speed Boat Interior Leather from Moonraker (numbered to 777). Customers pre-ordering 3 cases will receive a Prop Relic card featuring pieces of 007's Aston Martin bumper in Quantum of Solace. Customers pre-ordering 6 cases will receive a Roger Moore/George Lazenby dual autograph card. Customers pre-ordering 15 cases will receive a Heroes and Villains Archive Box!
We are pre-selling boxes for $62, 12-box cases for $709, and binder cases (4 binders) for $82. James Bond: Heroes and Villains is expected to ship on May 26th.

Cryptozoic has set a release date for the upcoming
World of Warcraft: Wrathgate expansion. We expect to ship pre-orders between May 25th and May 27th.
There are 3 new loot cards that can be found in Wrathgate packs, including the Flaming Hippogryph mount (rare), a Statue Generator (uncommon), and Landro's Gift Box (super common). Originally, it had been announced that the super common loot card would be a Paint Bomb.
We are pre-selling Wrathgate booster boxes for $62 each. Booster cases (12 boxes) are just $729.

Konami has announced plans to release its
Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Duelist Toolbox Starters in early June.
Each 5D's Duelist Toolbox Starter includes everything players need to learn how to play and build their first deck. Each 44-card deck includes 40 cards for the main deck plus 4 Synchro Monsters for a player's extra deck. Decks consist of 40 commons, 1 ultra rare, 3 super rares, a beginner's guide, and a game mat.
We are pre-selling 5D's Duelist Toolbox Starter boxes for $60 each.
Shipping This Week: Warhammer Warpstone Chronicles, Legend of Kiss, HeroClix Brave & Bold, Marvel 70th Anniversary! Wacky Pack 2010 Coming in August!

We've got a full slate of new products arriving this week!
Tomorrow we expect to ship the newest Warhammer Invasion battle pack,
The Warpstone Chronicles. This is the fifth battle pack in The Corruption Cycle expansion. It includes 40 new cards, 20 of which are unique.
You can purchase 6 battle packs for just $44. They are available individually for $9.

The newest Kiss trading card set from Press Pass,
Legend of Kiss, is expected to ship later this week.
The Legend of Kiss base set includes 100 cards. Inserts include Pop-Ups, First Edition Parallels, Proof Edition Parallels, Rock Star Relics Memorabilia cards, Kissignatures Autentic Autograph cards, and Kiss Kuts autographed memorabilia cards from Gene and Paul (#'d to 10).
We have a limited number of boxes still available to sell. They are $39 each.

The new
DC HeroClix: The Brave and the Bold set will be shipped on Wednesday, April 14th. If you haven't placed your order yet, it isn't too late!
Cases (20 booster packs) are only $159. Booster bricks (10 packs) are $89.
The Brave and the Bold brings famous heroic (and a few villainous) pairings from the pages of DC Comics to your tabletop. The set includes 55 all-new figures, including over 25 characters that have never appeared in DC HeroClix before, and classic DC Comics duo-figure team-ups like Flash/Green Lantern and Luthor/Brainiac. Alter Ego figures let players start the game with a superhero in disguise and then change into costume when danger threatens.

Also releasing this week is the latest trading card release from Rittenhouse Archives,
Marvel 70th Anniversary.
Each Marvel 70th Anniversary box contains 1 hand-drawn colored sketch card from artists like Allison Sohn, Andy Price, Charles Hall, Monte Moore, Sonny Strait, and more! Sketch cards feature characters from the entire Marvel universe, dating back to 1939. The base set includes 72 cards.
We have a limited number of boxes still available to ship this week. They are $61 each.

We just received word that Topps will be releasing a Wacky Packages 2010 sticker set in August. We haven't received all of the details yet, but we do know the base set will include 75 stickers. There will also be a code card in each pack that unlocks exclusive web content on the new Wacky Pack World website.
Stay tuned for more details!
DC Heroclix Brave & the Bold Arriving Next Week - Twilight Eclipse Trading Cards On Sale

WizKids' latest HeroClix expansion, the
DC Brave and the Bold set will arrive next week!
The Brave and the Bold brings famous heroic (and a few villainous) pairings from the pages of DC Comics to your tabletop. The set includes 55 all-new figures, including over 25 characters that have never appeared in DC HeroClix before, and classic DC Comics duo-figure team-ups like Flash/Green Lantern and Luthor/Brainiac. Alter Ego figures let players start the game with a superhero in disguise and then change into costume when danger threatens!
We are pre-selling Brave and the Bold cases for $159 each. Each case includes 20 booster packs. We are also selling 10-pack bricks for just $89 each.
Twilight fans will be excited to know that we are now pre-selling
Twilight Eclipse trading cards. Boxes contain 24 packs, and each pack includes 6 cards.
We are pre-selling boxes for $47 each. Cases (10 boxes) are just $449.
Warlord Sands of Oblivion Arriving Tomorrow - WoW Wrathgate On Sale (Again!)

The newest Warlord 4th Edition expansion from Phoenix Interactive,
Sands of Oblivion is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, April 6th!
Each Warlord 4th Edition Sands of Oblivion Complete Set includes one of each of the following decks - Ember Winds, Secrets of Winterhold, The Forest of Bone, Tales of the Ruby Rogue, Rites of the Ogre Magi, Blood for Blood, and Ebon Wings. Each deck includes 50 cards.
Complete sets are available for $72 each. Individual decks are available for $13 each.

Late last week we were informed that the World of Warcraft trading card game has found a new home! A new company, Cryptozoic Entertainment, has been formed to produce the game going forward.
Wrathgate will be the first World of Warcraft expansion released by the new company. It is expected to arrive in May.
There are three new loot cards that will be introduced in Wrathgate packs, including the Flaming Hippogryph mount (rare), a Statue Generator (uncommon), and a Paint Bomb (common/consumable).
Booster boxes are $62 each. Booster cases (12 boxes) are $729 each.