Bella Sara Royalty Arriving In May - Kiss Cards Back In Stock - Pre-Selling Yugi Duelist Packs

Hidden City Games has decided to bump up the release of the upcoming
Bella Sara Royalty set. Originally slated to arrive the first week of June, we now expect to ship Royalty orders by May 26th. Booster boxes are just $59 each. Value boxes are $8 each.

We received a restock of
Kiss Ikons trading cards this week. The new set has been very popular so far, and we just found out that the manufacturer is now sold out! In addition to the 90 base set cards, Kiss fans and collectors can look for Fire and Blood themed parallel cards, instant win autographed 8x10s from Gene and Paul, authentic Gene Simmons-worn memorabilia cards, tattoos, and stickers. Boxes are just $37 each!

Kiss fans may also be interested to know that we now have
Kiss Series 2 trading cards in stock. The 90-card set was produced by Cornerstone Communications in 1998. Boxes are $48 each.

We are now accepting pre-orders for Konami's upcoming
Yu-Gi-Oh Yugi Duelist Pack booster boxes. The new 30-card set features cards used in duels by Yugi Muto on the original Yu-Gi-Oh animated series. It includes popular cards like Mirror Force and Marshmallon, and also includes new art for cards like Summoned Skull and Dark Magician Girl. We are pre-selling boxes for $38 each. Cases (10 boxes) are just $369.
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