Vampire Ebony Kingdom Price Increase Coming Soon - Sabbat War Decks In Stock - Yu-Gi-Oh Retro Packs For Just $79!

The release date for the next
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle expansion is nearing! White Wolf plans to release the new
Ebony Kingdom set on May 27th. We are currently selling booster boxes for $63 and 10-box booster cases for just $619.
On Monday, May 11th, we will raise our Ebony Kingdom booster price to $64 and our case price to $629. Please place your pre-order by Monday to take advantage of our lowest prices!

Vampire fans also might be interested to know that we just received a small number of
Sabbat War Starter Decks - Brujah, Lasombra, Tzimisce, and Ventrue. These have been very tough for us to find for quite a while.

We just received a shipment of
Yu-Gi-Oh Retro Pack boxes. Not long ago, these were selling for well over $100 per box, but we have them available now for just $79 each!
Each Retro Pack box contains 8 Retro packs. Each Retro pack contains 3 booster packs and 1 variant card. Look for Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Monster Reborn, Raigeki, Exodia the Forbidden One, Solemn Judgment and more!
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