L5R Glory of the Empire Back In Stock - UFS Set 12 Coming In April
Glory of the Empire is back! We just received a shipment of L5R Glory of the Empire boosters today. This product was out of stock at the manufacturer for more than a month, but it is available again. Boxes are $99 each. We also have starters in stock for $45.
UFS fans should be aware of several new developments. Set 12, which includes the Soul Calibur IV Tower of Souls expansion as well as the first Shadowar release, is now expected to arrive in April. We had originally been told that these products would arrive this month.

We also now know for sure that
starters will be made for both the Tower of Souls and Shadowar sets. For awhile we weren't sure whether starters were going to be produced.
Some of you may have already heard, but Fantasy Flight recently announced that it had reached an agreement to add Tekken 6 characters to the UFS game. The Tekken 6 characters will be introduced in Set 13, which is expected in June.
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