New Pre-Order Items - Warlord 4th Edition News - Yu-Gi-Oh Ancient Prophecy Arrives Next Week!
We added a bunch of new items to our pre-sale list over the past few days. Here's what's new...
Call of Cthulhu: Search for the Silver Key Asylum PacksReleases: November '09
Price: $9/pack or $44/6-pack
Game of Thrones: Princes of the Sun ExpansionReleases: November '09
Price: $21/box
Topps Puck AttaxReleases: November 13th
Boosters: $29/box ($342/12-box case)
Starter Box Price: $29/box ($224/8-box case)
Warhammer Invasion: Path of the Zealot Battle PacksReleases: November '09
Price: $9/pack or $44/6-pack

We have some good news for customers waiting on
Warlord 4th Edition. From what we've been told, the 4th Edition products are now inside the U.S. We are hoping that they are shipped out to us by the end of next week, in which case we should have them by the middle of the following week. We've set a tentative date for their arrival here of September 9th. As always, we will ship them out to our customers the same day we receive them.
The other good Warlord news is that there will be another 4th Edition product arriving with the Base Set, Crimson Coast, and Shattered Empires sets. The
4th Edition Treasure Chest Expansion is also expected soon and we are now accepting pre-orders for it. Each Treasure Chest set includes 40 of the most played cards from the 4th Edition game, including Judge Aeacus, Incenerate, Aegis, and Pyrothraxas, as well as 15 all-new indispensible additions to your deck - one character for each faction, plus one action card and one item for each class. Sets are available for $19 each.
Yu-Gi-Oh Ancient Prophecy arrives next week. If you haven't placed a pre-order it isn't too late! We still have booster boxes and cases available. Almost all of Konami's Yu-Gi-Oh products have been selling out very quickly. The recently released Series 1 tins were sold out at the factory by the time they arrived in our warehouse. So don't hesitate if you are planning to place an order. Booster boxes are $60. Cases (12 boxes) are $708.
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