UFC Round 2 Back In Stock! - Half-Blood Prince Autograph News

We just received a small restock of the recently released
UFC Round 2 trading cards. Our first shipment of these sold out very quickly, and we don't expect these to last long.
Boxes are $129 each.

Artbox just released the names of several actors who have signed autographs for the upcoming
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Update set. Signers include Julie Walters (Molly Weasley), Helen McCrory (Narcissa Malfoy), Dave Legeno (Fenrir Greyback), Tom Riddle (Frank Dillane), and Isabella Laughland (Leanne). As we get additional information on costume, prop, and autograph cards, we will post it here.
We are pre-selling Half-Blood Prince Update boxes for $55. Cases (10 boxes) are just $539.
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