UFC Round 2 Back In Stock - SW Clone Wars Widevision Delayed - America at War Coming In November

We just received a restock of
UFC Round 2 trading cards. This has been one of the hottest products we've seen this fall. Our last restock sold very quickly, and we expect this one to as well. On average, every box includes 2 autographs and 2 memorabilia cards! Boxes are available for $129 each.

We found out today that Topps has delayed the release of its upcoming
Star Wars Clone Wars Widevision trading card set. Originally scheduled to arrive by October 30th, that date was pushed back to November 6th recently, and has now been moved to November 13th. We are sold out of Widevision hobby boxes at the moment. We hope to find more to make available to our customers once they are released. Email us at sales@potomacdist.com if you would like to be notified if we find additional boxes.

We were also informed today that the upcoming
America at War: World War II/Band of Brothers Series I trading cards have been delayed. We originally expected the set to arrive this month, but it is now scheduled for release in November.
The set includes hand-tinted historical photos, graphics, and maps highlighting America's fighting forces that contributed to the planning and execution of Operation Overlord - D-Day. Included are Artist Print cards from the Valor Studios Collection, randomly inserted Sketch cards by Ingrid Hardy, and Instant Win cards offering chances for authentic WWII Memorabilia as well as limited art prints signed by actual Band of Brothers veterans.
The Band of Brothers set features the Easy Company Regiment made famous by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks' HBO miniseries "Band of Brothers." Every box includes at least 1 Band of Brothers autograph card, and includes a complete set of WWII Series 1 and Band of Brothers Series 1.
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