New Yu-Gi-Oh, Shadowfist, Naruto, and JLA Archives Shipping This Week!
It's going to be a big week for new products!

Tomorrow is the official release date for the latest Yu-Gi-Oh expansion,
Stardust Overdrive. You can still place your order and have it shipped tomorrow. Boxes are $60. Cases (12 boxes) are $707.

We had originally thought we would have the new Shadowfist expansion,
Empire of Evil in stock today. We now expect it to arrive tomorrow. Booster boxes are $65. Cases (6 boxes) are $390.

Wednesday marks the release of Rittenhouse Archives' new
Justice League of America Archives set. Rittenhouse is sold out of JLA Archives already, but we still have a very small amount of this product left to sell. Boxes are $62. Cases (12 boxes) are $719. Every box includes a hand-drawn sketch card!

Friday is the official release date for the newest Naruto expansion,
Foretold Prophecy. This has been one of our best sellers over the past few weeks. Booster boxes are $58, booster cases (6 boxes) are $348, and starter boxes are $52. It's not too late to pre-order Foretold Prophecy and have it shipped this week; but based on recent Naruto releases we don't expect what we have left to sell to last long.
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