Pre-Selling Shadowfist Empire of Evil - Yu-Gi-Oh Hidden Arsenal Shipping Tuesday - Battle Spirits Rise of Angels Shipping Friday
The first Shadowfist expansion to be released in more than two years,
Empire of Evil, is expected to arrive within the next few weeks!

We are selling booster boxes for $65. Cases (6 boxes) are $390.
We also have a great selection of older Shadowfist boxes in stock including Limited Boosters, Critical Shift, Dark Future (Reprint), Netherworld, Netherworld 2, Shurikens & Six-Guns, and Throne War!

Next Tuesday, November 10th, we expect to ship
Yu-Gi-Oh Hidden Arsenal pre-orders! It's not too late to pre-order this new set and have it shipped on the release date.
Hidden Arsenal includes 30 cards from the Duel Terminal arcade machine series, previously available only in Japan. Each pack contains 5 all-foil cards (1 secret rare and 4 super rares). Cards in the set include "Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier" and "Mist Wurm." The set includes new cards for 5 deck types: X-Saber, Flamwells, Mist Valley, Worms, and Ice Barrier monsters.

We will be shipping the first Battle Spirits expansion,
Rise of Angels next Friday, November 13th. Booster boxes are just $57 and cases (6 boxes) are $336.
Each booster pack includes 8 cards - up to 6 common, up to 2 uncommon, and 1 of 3 rare card types. The three types of rares include - Rare (found 3:4 packs), Master Rare (found 1:5 packs), and X-Rare (found 1:23 packs). Rise of Angels introduces 115 new cards, as well a new land of Fairies controlled by yellow topaz core. Spirits from this land are masters of spells and have access to powerful new spells introduced in this set.
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