Highlander Season 4 Bumped To January
WoW Wrathgate & Class Decks On Sale
Stardust Overdrive SE Releases Tomorrow

We just found out that the upcoming
Highlander 2nd Edition Season 4 expansion has been delayed until January. We had originally hoped to ship the new set by the end of this week, now expect to ship by January 15th.

Upper Deck will be releasing
World of Warcraft Class Decks this coming March.
Each Class Deck box includes 6 decks. Each deck includes 60 cards (containing random and fixed cards), 2 hero cards (1 from each faction and appropriate class), 1 UDE Points card or Loot card (any loot card from previous expansions can be found), and a quickstart rules sheet. The faction and class for the decks are noted on the packaging for each.

Upper Deck has also announced plans to release its next World of Warcraft booster expansion,
Wrathgate, in April. Wrathgate includes Argent Crusade reputation and cards depicting the epic Battle of the Wrathgate, like Saurfang and Highlord Bolvar Fordragon. Foil versions of every card are inserted in booster packs. A new master hero, Highlord Tyrion Fordring will be introduced, and there are 3 new loot cards, including a new mount, to collect!

Tomorrow is the official release date for Yu-Gi-Oh
Stardust Overdrive Special Edition. Each Stardust Overdrive Special Edition pack includes 3 Stardust Overdrive booster packs and 1 of 2 Super Rare variant cards (Charge of the Light Brigade or Tempest Magician). These cards have previously been available only as Secret Rare cards. Interest in this product has really picked up over the past few days, but we still have boxes available to ship tomorrow!
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