World of Warcraft Wrathgate Shipping Today!

The new World of Warcraft expansion,
Wrathgate, has arrived! We are shipping out all pre-orders today.
There are 3 new loot cards in Wrathgate, including the Flaming Hippogryph mount (rare), a Statue Generator (uncommon), and Landro's Gift Box (super common).
Here are the odds of receiving different card types:
Common cards: 13 cards:1 pack
Uncommon cards: 4:1
Rare cards: 10:11
Hero cards: 10:11
Epic cards: 1:11
Crafting cards: 1:11
Loot cards: 1:11
Cryptozoic notes on the box that the stated odds reflect an average of the entire production run and no ratio is guaranteed to exist within an individual box.
Wrathgate booster boxes are available for $62 each. Cases (12 boxes) are just $729. Click
here to order now.
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