WoW War of the Elements Loot Cards Announced!

Cryptozoic has released some additional information about the loot cards that will be found in its upcoming World of Warcraft
War of the Elements set! (Click the image to the right to take a closer look!)
The super common loot card will be
Landro's Lichling. When learned, it counts towards all pet collection achievements. It can be used at any level so it is available for twinks.
The uncommon loot card will be
War Party Hitching Post. It summons a hitching post that character, party, or raid members can use to summon a horse mount. The mount automatically adjusts its speed to the player's highest land riding skill. It lasts until the character dismounts.
The rare loot card will be
Savage Raptor. A player receives one epic item version when he redeems the code. The mount auomatically adjusts its speed to the player's highest land riding skill. When learned, the raptor mount counts toward the Mountain 'O Mounts achievement (Horde or Alliance).
Cryptozoic also announced that War of the Elements will be released on April 26th. It had originally been expected to arrive on April 12th. The War of the Elements Epic Collection has been delayed until May, but an official release date has yet to be announced.
War of the Elements booster boxes are available for $61. Cases (12 boxes) are $720.
Click here to pre-order.
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