L5R Second City Coming In September!

AEG has just announced plans to release the next Legend of the Five Rings expansion,
Second City, in September!
Second City is the last set legal for use with Celestial Edition and the second Emperor Edition legal set. (Emperor Edition is slated expected this fall.)
Booster boxes are available for $99, 10-box booster cases are $960, starter boxes are $48, and starter sets (3 decks) are $33. Starters feature the Dragon, Mantis, and Scorpion clans.
In the distant lands, once known as the Ivory Kingdoms, the influence of Rokugan spreads from the Second City, the seat of the Empress' power in that distant realm. In both the Empire and its Colonies, the will of the Divine One unfolds in the face of adversity and intrigue.
Click here to order.
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