WoW Scourgewar Loot Cards Announced!
Upper Deck has announced the loot cards that will be included with its upcoming
World of Warcraft Scourgewar set. We are currently accepting pre-orders for Scourgewar, which is scheduled to ship in mid-November. Booster boxes are $63. Booster cases (12 boxes) are $744.
The super common loot card is a mini mount, Tiny, that carries your character as fast as the character can run. Horde characters get a baby raptor version and Alliance characters get a pony version of the mount. Each card is redeemable for 50 uses.

The uncommon loot card is the Tuskarr Kite.

The rare loot card is the Spectral Kitten. The new pet has its own armor and lets out a haunting meow.

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